CD Laboratory for Quality Assurance Methodologies for autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems

Die 3 Säulen der QAMCAS Methodologie und deren wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, die im Rahmen des CD Labors geklärt werden sollen.

Electronic systems for communication, data transfer or monitoring are heavily dependent on software; faulty software can have dramatic consequences. The CD Laboratory researches methods for quality assurance in such interacting systems.


More and more electronic systems are networked with each other. There are currently more than 1 billion websites and more than 20 billion networked devices. What all these systems have in common is that they are heavily dependent on software. Faulty software can have dramatic consequences: in the automotive industry, around 50% of all recalls between 2006 and 2013 were due to faulty software, and the trend is rising. The reliability of software is therefore becoming increasingly important and research into quality assurance must be stepped up. This includes research into methods and techniques for measuring quality in the form of sensors, actuators, hardware and software, as well as the interaction of such systems with the environment, humans and other systems. This quality measurement encompasses both the system development phase and the monitoring of ongoing operation. This requires the development of intelligent monitoring systems capable of identifying faults and triggering fault localisation and repair procedures in order to build truly fail-safe systems. Although the most important methods are available today, their integration is a challenge and requires the solution of various research questions. The methods and techniques for quality assurance of cyber-physical systems developed in this CD Laboratory will be evaluated using prototypes in the context of autonomous driving and other mobile and autonomous systems.

In this way, rigorous and evidence-driven methods will be developed that master the definition, assessment and prediction of the quality of cyber-physical systems.

Der QAMCAS Entwicklungszyklus: Fokus auf Produkte, die auf Fehler zur Laufzeit intelligent reagieren und Daten zur Produktverbesserung an die Entwicklung zurückschicken.

Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft

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