Why is basic research so important for innovation?
New knowledge in basic research is necessary for the development of new technologies and products. Products and processes that are built up on this basis have a better chance of long-term success on the market and of being advantageous to the client.
What are the biggest challenges in collaborating with universities?
Sometimes when two partners come together they first have to develop a common language and a mutual understanding for the collaboration to be successful. Working together for a longer term and mutual trust between them represent a good starting point.
What do you like most about the CD Laboratory funding scheme?
Apart from the lean management structure, the CD Laboratories are characterized above all by their medium-term horizon, which enables substantial progress in tackling even tricky problems. And we should also remember that the CD Laboratories benefit from the CDG’s organization as an independent association with an experienced Scientific Board, which is consistent in applying bottom-up arguments and adhering to its demands for high quality in establishing the Laboratories as well as in evaluating them.