Application for a JR Centre

The way to a JR Centre generally begins with a research question that a company cannot answer with its own research capacities. Researchers often also approach a company with ideas. In collaboration between the company and a researcher, a sophisticated, multi-year research programme for dealing with this issue is developed.

The assessment of an application for establishing a JR Centre follows a clear procedure. Critical and objective evaluations ensure the high claim to quality of the JR Centres.


In advance of the formal application, the CDG Secretariat offers information and advice. It is recommended to utilise this offer so that the key points of the application and any special features of the research unit can be discussed early on. It is also expedient for the planned commercial partners to come to the CDG for a consultation, so that they can learn about the principles of the funding programmes first hand.


The CDG Secretariat is happy to provide information at all times:

CDG Secretariat

The application

The application to establish a JR Centre is draftet by the scientist in coordination with the commercial partner and submitted to the CDG Secretariat. In this capacity, the scientist represents the respective university of applied sciences.

JR Centres are established at Austrian universities of applied sciences, commercial partners can be Austrian and, under certain conditions, foreign companies.

In addition to this core model, there is the possibility to carry out sub-areas of the scientific activity of a JR Centre at another university of applied sciences, a university or research institution. Modules are set up at those locations for this purpose. Depending on the location of the external module, this can be an Austrian or an international module. A maximum of one international module can be operated per JR Centre.


The Guidelines for the Establishment of a JR Centre contain all details on the structure of the application and the necessary documents:

Guidelines for the Establishment of a JR Centre (in german)

For commercial partners of a JR Centre, all relevant aspects are summarised in the Information on Membership of the Christian Doppler Research Association:

Information on Membership

Key data of the programme

Who can submitHighly qualified researchers at universities of applied sciences

5 years:

2-year introductory phase
3-year extension phase

Min. annual budgetEUR 90.000
Max. annual budgetEUR 460.000
nature of researchapplication-oriented research
proportion exp. developmentnone
proportion scientific freedomca. 20% (development of expertise)
financing from the public purse

50% of the fundable expenditure

If SME's are involved 60% (in proportion to the SME's involvement)

financing from the private sector

50% of the fundable expenditure

If SME's are involved 40% (in proportion to the SME's involvement)

no contributions in kind considered eligible


Applications to establish a JR Centre can be submitted at any time. In order to discuss the application in the next Session of the JR Scientific Board, the application has to be submitted to the General Secretariat at least 5 weeks before the session.

Session dates

The application

The application is to be drafted in English and an electronic version and a printed version submitted to the CDG Secretariat in triplicate. The application comprises several sections, including a description of the research project, the research, time and cost plan, the application for start-up financing, details on the infrastructure, the CV of the applicant as well as a description of the employees of the JR Centre and a description of the commercial partner.

Directive for the Programme

All key points of the JR model are laid down in the Richtlinie für das Programm JR-Zentren (in German).

The evaluation of the application and the decision

The evaluation of whether the JR Centre is worth funding is based on two main criteria:

  • quality of the research project described in the application, including the economic relevance and implementation horizon.
  • qualification of the intended Head of Centre and his/her ability to lead a research group

The evaluation procedure begins with a formal check of the application by the CDG Secretariat. If the formal criteria are met, the application is forwarded to the JR Scientific Board. The process in the JR Scientific Board involves three steps:

  • The initial evaluation: This is where a decision is reached as to whether the research project has the quality and the intended Head of Centre the qualifications to justify a subsequent assessment by external experts.
  • The external review procedure (peer review) and the following critical consultation on these reviews.
  • The holding of a scientific hearing in front of the JR Scientific Board, in which the the centre director has the opportunity to present the research project.

Next, the JR Scientific Board makes a recommendation to the CDG Executive Board. This committee subsequently decides about the establishment of the JR Centre.

Following approval of the application by the CDG Executive Board, the JR Centre applied for can be established. The first establishment steps can be found in in the Handbook for the Operation of a JR Centre (in German).

Operating a JR Centre

Research units

JR Scientific Board

CDG Executive Board

Evaluation procedure

The evaluation procedure for the JR model is laid down in the Evaluation Handbook for JR Centres:

Evaluation Handbook for JR Centres (in German)

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