CD Laboratory for Innovative Optical Imaging and its Translation to Medicine


The aim of this CD Laboratory is to develop innovative optical procedures based on optical coherence tomography, a non-invasive procedure mainly used in ophthalmology and cardiovascular imaging.


Biomedical optics has attractive advantages over other imaging techniques such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound. These advantages are the high structural resolution comparable to microscopy, as well as the possibility to utilise the rich properties of light for improved contrast at the structural, tissue and molecular level instead of using contrast agents. The CD Laboratory is dedicated in particular to optical coherence tomography (OCT) and comprises two project modules.

The first project module is working on the development of new imaging methods. Current methods are limited by achievable sensitivity, resolution, speed and technology costs. However, higher resolution is important for the early detection of many retinal diseases. Therefore, a paradigm shift is required, which is possible by utilising the intrinsic properties of OCT, such as phase stability, sensitivity and speed. In addition, the system allows functional enhancements to capture tissue perfusion and tissue elasticity, as well as non-contrast microangiography.

The aim of the second project module is to develop new light sources for promising OCT systems. Recently developed light sources cover spectra of interesting lipid absorption bands in the nanometre range. Spectroscopic tissue measurements at these wavelengths open up the possibility of identifying vulnerable plaques. These vascular changes are responsible for acute myocardial infarction risk and their identification is of great interest to healthcare systems worldwide.


To summarise, the central theme of this CD Laboratory is to improve the diagnostic possibilities of OCT in terms of resolution, sensitivity, integrity of the imaged structures and portability, as well as to extend the method to functional imaging.

Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft

Boltzmanngasse 20/1/3 | 1090 Wien | Tel: +43 1 5042205 | Fax: +43 1 5042205-20 |

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